Monday, May 2, 2011

First cats

Minnowstar wondered through the territory. He had left Songstream back at camp for guarding. Suddenly, a powerful smell invaded his nose. It wasn't familiar at all. He quickly followed it and saw a huge group of cats all traveling together."Who are you, and what are you doing on Waveclan territory?" He partially growled as he emerged. A golden she-cat's eyes lit up when he came out, and she stepped forward."I'm Silvermint. Me and these cats want to join your clan." She smiled. Minnowstar nodded and turned."Follow me."

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather together under the Wavestone for a clan meeting!" Minnowstar yowled, which was everybody."We have many new joiners. I have decided Silvermint will be my deputy." Everyone cheered for her, but her gaze was focused intensely on Minnowstar."Then I want Rainstorm to be the Head Warrior!" The clan cheered again for a handsome grey tom."We then have many apprentices. Leafpaw, Sweetpaw, and Brookpaw come forward." The three small she-cats did as they were told."Do you all promise to learn the ways of the warrior code and train hard?"

"We do." They said simultaneously.

Minnowstar smiled."Then by the power of Starclan, I make you apprentices of Waveclan. Leafpaw, I will be your mentor. Sweetpaw, Songstream will be your mentor. Brookpaw, Rainstorm will be your mentor." They all touched noses and Minnowstar returned to the Wavestone."We also have three parentless kits. Their care will be shared by the clan. They are Crowkit, Shadowkit, and Honeykit." The clan now purred at the cute little kits."That is all, meeting dismissed!" Minnowstar leaped down.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Heart Cove (Mates Page)

Come here is you have a crush or want someone to be your mate.

Winding River

Unusually twisty river.


Pretty simple. A huge meadow.


The name says it all XD

Elders Den

This is where the elders sleep.


This is where queens and kits sleep.

Apprentices Den

This is where the apprentices sleep.

Warriors Den

This is where the warriors sleep.

Medicine Cat Den

This is where the medicine cat and apprentice sleep, as well as the sick and injured. All the herbs are also kept in here.

Leaders Den

This is where the leader sleeps. Also post any suggestions or questions here.

♫♥Join the Clan!♥♫

Welcome to Rippleclan. Looks like you've fallen in the river. Come, we will dry you off. I'm Minnowstar. The medicine cat is this way.

Do you like our hospitality? Yes, we try very hard. So you say you'd like to join? Wonderful! You are completely welcome here. But I will need to know some more things about you.

Name (Nothing weird or that cats don't know, like Cartail or something):
Paragraph about self (Description, Personality, and History):
Picture (Please nothing that is heavily edited):

Welcome to Rippleclan! We are glad you have chosen to join us.